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What is Facebook Marketing?

By March 28, 2021February 3rd, 2022No Comments3 min read

Facebook is a social media platform, which allows individuals to;

1. Send a friend request to anyone on the platform.
2. Accept Facebook friend request from other people
3. Post their photos, videos, thoughts (In the form of status), and stories.
4. Like other photos, videos, thoughts (In the form of status), and stories.
5. Commenting on others posts and Ching with them is also possible.

Now, it’s these many features Facebook today has become one of the best social media platform for every internet users.

There are;

1. Globally 2.6 billion people are using Facebook.
2. 1.73 billion people on average log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users

As of now, I am just sharing data of the user base, not going deep in the demography and other details.

If you are a marketer, and Facebook tells you.

FB: Hey mate,

FB: What are you selling

YOU: Hey, hi… I am selling mobile phones.

FB: That’s great, How is sales?

YOU: A bit difficult, I wish it could get better.

FB: Ok, Are you a local, national or international seller?

YOU: I am can sell and deliver in India, only.

FB: Wow, that’s a huge market.

YOU: Yeah

FB: Do you know Facebook India has a total user base of 280 Million people.

YOU: Ok.

FB: What if I can help you reach them?

YOU: Meaning.

FB: Do you have a sales webpage?

YOU: Yes.

FB: Great, what if I help you promote your mobile sales web page to 280 Million people using Facebook?

FB: Can it help you grow your sales.

YOU: How?

FB: You can use my services for business and use them to generate more and more sales.

YOU: What are they?

FB: YOU can create;

1. Business page.
2. Personal profile page.
3. Business fan page/group

You can make attractive posts there and reach to more and more people organically.

You can ask people to like your page and share your posts with their friends.

This will increase your reach in the target market.

If you want to reach to more and more people, you can use paid ads services by us as well.

These paid ads services help you to target your customers in a more precise way.

1. You can target them based on city | interest | Behaviour | Jobs.
2. You can choose your budget on a daily basis.
3. You can edit your ads whenever you want.
4. You can view live reports as well.

YOU: IS it?

FB: Yes, and there are many more facilities that you can use.

YOU: Now, I understood. I am going to use it now.

Amit Blogwala

In 2017, I started blogging on digital marketing and self-help topics. I provide blog writing services and a content writing training program.

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